Tuesday, January 18, 2011

18 seconds? unrealistic

Less than 18 seconds. That's how long it took two young women to climb a U.S.-Mexico border fence that costs millions of dollars in taxpayer money. In a video shot, two women show how easy it is to reach the top by climbing the fence's steel pipes in less than 18 seconds. MyFoxHouston.com  in my opinion this fence either needs more advanced ways of stopping them of reaching our country. otherwise stop complaining about them invading our country. look at the wall and tell me why they are in the United States of America!


A British weapons manufacturer is making good on the promise of Wonder Woman's invisible jet, describing an "eCamouflage" system that uses electronic ink to disguise combat vehicles by projecting videos of the country side on to them electronic squid ink of a sort. Unlike conventional forms of camouflage, the images on the hull would change in concert with the changing environment, always insuring that the vehicle remains disguised. In my opinoin i dont think that these new tanks are going to be a good reliable source to the services.  In BAE Systems "eCamouflage" concept, images are projected on the hull of a combat vehicle that change in concert with the environment -- making the vehicle invisible.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Iraqi Governor Cuts Baghdad Power

A provincial governor in northern Iraq says an electricity dispute with the central gov. has to cut the power supply to Baghdad emanating from his oil-rich region.
Tamim provincial Gov. Abdul-Rahman Mustafa said Monday his residents have only three hours of power each day. He said his negotiations to share the electricity supply with Baghdad have failed.
Officials in the cities of Kirkuk and Baghdad estimated that between 200 and 500 megawatts are under discussion.
Power shortages have been a sore spot for residents across Iraq, especially in extreme cold during the winter and the intense heat of summer.

Friday, January 14, 2011

ipad delay

News Corp. and Apple are delaying the launch of the media conglomerate's tablet newspaper for the iPad while the two parties work out some kinks in the subscription platform for delivering the paper, according to people familiar with the matter. The "digital" newspaper, which will be called The Daily, was supposed to be unveiled next Wednesday by News Corp, confirmed the delay but declined to comment beyond that. Another person familiar with the matter said the launch is weeks, not months, away.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Bomber Kills 17 in Afghanistan

A suicide bomber blew himself up in a bathhouse in a southern Afghan border town as men gathered to wash before Friday prayers, killing 17 people. About an hour later, gunmen shot dead a police inspector in the nearby city of Kandahar. The attacks came the same day NATO announced that three of its service members were killed in roadside bombings, underscoring the continuing threat the Taliban pose, despite a stepped up coalition. NATO, which has roughly 140,000 troops in the country, has struggled to fix the problems. Coalition officials estimate Taliban's numbers at 25,000 roughly unchanged despite the international force's stepped up offensive against insurgent leaders and rank and file fightersJan. 7, 2011: People carry a dead body of Pakistani national killed in a suicide attack in neighboring Spin Boldak, Afghanistan, at a local hospital in Pakistani border town of Chaman. A suicide bomber struck a bath house in a southern Afghan border town as men gathered to wash before Friday prayers, killing a number of people, a provincial official said. The Taliban claimed responsibility, saying they targeted the deputy of an influential border patrol commander.

Fiery Packages

     Highway signs were mailed in a small package to Maryland's Democratic governor and the parcel ignited when someone in the state mailroom unzipped it, shooting out a flame that singed the worker's fingers.
About 15 minutes later, a second worker was injured opening a similar package at a state government building 20 miles away. Explosive material wasn't found in either package that ignited and authorities aren't sure if any other dangerous packages are out there, but mailroom workers were expected back at work Friday.
In my opinion this is ridiculous its just going to start more drama and cause alot of problems in the United States.