Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sharp shooters linked

 The FBI has linked a shooting at a U.S. Coast Guard recruiting office in Woodbridge, Virginia to four other similar incidents at military sites around the Washington area, an FBI spokesman said on Wednesday.
No one has been injured in any of the shooting incident which have caused only minor damage. They began in October. FBI's Washington office, said last week that they didn't believe the individual involved wanted to harm anyone but he warned that such shootings can accidentally lead to major consequences.

In my opinion, Firing warning shots is just going to start things with the U.S which we don't need are this point in our economy. Lucky these warning shots didn't harm or kill anyone but it frustrated the Coastal Guard and in my opinion is a little over board.  therefore no matter what the situation is or was these shots do not need to be fired at anyone to make a point .

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