Friday, September 10, 2010

Could this be "911" all over agian?

Thousands of Afghans protested a Florida church's plan to attempt to burn the Muslim holy books, the church's pastor said he won't follow through with the burning if he's able to meet Saturday with the organizers behind a mosque planned near ground zero in New York. there were 11 injuries in this protest out side of the church in gainsville. Protesters also burned an American flag during the protesting done on friday.

In my opinion, i believe that building a mosque would cause more drama and more war. think think this because they dont necessarily need to build it right next to the new up coming tade center. many americans will have many many problems with this event. i dont agree with the florida pastor burning their " muslim holy book" because that is wrong. we wouldnt like them burning out bible. i believe that we could settle on an agreement and maybe pay for the musims mosque to be put somewhere else. this new trade center will be considered a "memorial" therefore it wouldnt be the best location for a mosque.

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