Monday, October 25, 2010

"paygo?" issue 2.

I chose issue two because it really caught my eye when people in America think that the pay as you goes attitude is the wrong approach. pay-as-you-go is basically self explanatory. you pay as you go is a requirement where new mandatory spending proposals or tax reductions must be offset by cuts in other mandatory spending or by tax increases, to ensure that the deficit does not rise. In my opinion i believe that "paygo" is the best way for Americans to fix spending money that they don't have. proponents say its necessary to show that Congress understands that deficits matter and should be contained. Such supporters argue that paygo rightly responds to citizens' concerns about profligate spending. This requires entitlement spending, which meansthat the congress recommaneds levels of funding depending on how much or how they want to spend the money that they have. 
     Another reason why I'm for "paygo" is because, If America doesnt have "extra money laying around", then we dont need to be spending the money on items we dont need or cant afford. The National Debt Clock is shown Monday, Feb. 1, 2010 in New York. President Barack Obama sent Congress a $3.83 trillion budget on Monday that would pour more money into the fight against high unemployment, boost taxes on the wealthy and freeze spending for a wide swath of government programs. The deficit for this year would surge to a record-breaking $1.56 trillion. The Debt Clock is a privately funded estimate of the national debt. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)   therefore, Americans need a reality check.

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